Vessel Acquisition/Funding Up to $1billion US Dollars

A Vessel Operators Finance, we help get the requisite funding to help you acquire vessels to expand your fleet or build your fleet from scratch. We have partnered with global financial leaders to help you in your vessel acquisition journey. We do not require any form of collateral from you to help you facilitate the loan but sound financial book keeping. With a one time processing fee of $100, we would submit your financial request to our partners to help get the funds for your dream vessel.

We also help African business acquire vessels especially in countries where access to capital is either scare or engulfed in so much bureaucracy and high interest rate that it becomes impractical to obtain loans.

One of the major factors affecting vessel acquisition in Nigeria/ Africa is lack of finance or poor funding. Because of funding changes, the number ships in our African fleets remains poor compared to other regions.
Presently, Africa share in World Trade stands at about 3% on average while intra- African trade averages around 10% of Africa’s total trade
Source: 2050 Africa’s integrated maritime strategy (2050 AIM strategy – au version 1.0, 2012).
African economy largely depends on foreign vessels to make up the present fleets in the region. This dependence on foreign shipping companies raises concerns on Intra-African transport and regional connectivity, long transport times and high cost of transportation which impact greatly on the market prices of product and commodities,
Freight charges are controlled by foreign ship owners because of insufficient number of ships owned by Africans to make intra-African maritime transport more effective. Goods from Africa are transported by ships belonging to foreign shipping companies calling to African ports.
Making funds available for African ship-owners will finance ships acquisitions, improve African fleets, increase percentage of participation in international trade, reduce high cost of freight, and increase government revenues.
Vessel Operators Ltd facilitates the funds/finance for ship acquisition to improve African fleets. African ship owners can now consult with vessel operators Ltd to access adequate finance/funding for ship acquisitions. African ship-owners can now access fund up to $1 billion dollars to acquire new ships and develop the existing fleets.

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